
Monday, February 25, 2013

Thomas Henson on Amazon


Thomas Henson was born close to a silver-spoon-in-the-mouth situation. Society adored him...and now ignores him. Judgemental freaks. That is ISSUE FOUR.
Society, however, is in the mind. While it is a living, breathing entity, society remains a concept of intellect more than a physical one. You either take it or leave it, but Thomas cannot do this. He requires validation. He is inflated by it. He becomes more.
Ethan Danwick-Blythe, case in point.
Thomas had the misfortune to play witness to the laughing bastard’s elevated status in society. It was at a social gathering on the common before the village- farmer’s market, actually, but Thomas Henson would NEVER admit to curiosity over produce and handmade goods, and thus a social gathering it is.
Ethan Danwick-Blythe swans in with arms loaded. Flowers, from his perfect garden! Such colours, so much greenery. A heady perfume. And is greeted as a conquering hero by all! While he, Thomas Henson, is ignored, even shunned. Sure, he brought only his smile (his mother ever says it needs only a smile to gather the masses to you), but he uses his smile everywhere…and folks frown and move away as fast as the excuse they can imagine is uttered…why? He has a beautiful smile, after all.

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