
Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Guardians

They came from varied places. The Sagorin were nomads; The Siric arose from their latest homeworld, old by most calendars and far from the gathering place. The mighty Eagles winged in from various roosts, tailed by the nimble Falcons. The Centuar materialized within the gathering in the blink of an eye. Finally, there were the delicate and beautiful Sylmer. A gathering-call was felt within and could not be denied.
The Dome was a magical cathedral, with soaring marble pillars reaching heavenward to commune with the stars, pure white with silvery tracings, intermittently sparking, a reminder of the life within the stone. It was warm to the touch, releasing the slightest electrical shock, a pleasant sensation. Living rock- many would discount the notion. There were fourteen pillars exactly spaced about the perimeter of the circular interior and together they formed the sacred ogives. It was through one of these vaulted arches that each group entered, each having a doorway. There were fourteen magical doorways and six were employed in answer of summons.

 Gathering of Rain

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